Paintings | Drawings

…the vitality and memory of movement and sound captured on paper…

Seventeen Minutes Past Eight (2023)

Working with 20:17 a piece of music by Icelandic composer and multi- instrumentalist Olafur Arnalds, and the German musician, composer and producer Nils Frahm, I am slowly and methodically layering metallic paints to create texture and movement.

If. Not. Now. (2022)

The German Musician, composer and producer Nils Frahm says he is interested in “…what music does to people’s emotions. How we can change people’s attitudes with tones…”

Working with his album Spaces 2013 and in particular the tracks Says, Hammers and For - Peter - Toilet Brushes - More, I am bearing witness to how his music affects me physically and emotionally, responding directly onto paper using acrylic paint and graphite powder. With the series If. Not. Now I am answering Frahm’s clarity and momentum with dynamic layering and metallic lustre.

Where Freedom Resides. Paintings

In 2019, for Cockpit winter Open Studios, I created my first big wall painting. Working with Max Richter’s music Recomposed, I gave myself two full days to produce the piece using acrylic paints. It became the springboard for a continuing series of work Where Freedom Resides which began in the first weeks of the first covid lockdown in 2020 and continues to evolve in paint and in metal.

Where Freedom Resides studies

These six pieces are smaller studies for the Where Freedom Resides series, on handmade Japanese paper and using pastel, charcoal and acrylic paint.

In a Minor Key. Drawings

In a Minor Key was direct response to a 19 minute sound score made standing on a a roof in North Africa at dawn, listening to the call to prayer.

The background is a notation of the full call, the foreground is a dynamic moment within the call.

And I’ll Dance With You. Drawings

These drawings began as a commission and grew into a series.

Using Leonard Cohen’s Take This Waltz, the background to some of these drawings is a notation of the whole song picking out some of the words. The foreground is a particular dynamic moment within the song.

What Isn’t Here Hasn’t Happened. Tracey Rowledge, Sarah Warsop

Commission by Siobhan Davies Dance in 2011, artist and bookbinder Tracey Rowledge and I collaborated to make a series of graphite drawings which explore mark-making through choreographed movement and the movement through mark-making.

To exhibit or purchase these drawings, please contact me directly.

